Weight matters: keeping healthy in an unhealthy world

Our new guide is for anyone wanting to watch their weight.

Weight matters: keeping healthy in an unhealthy worldThis comprehensive guide is for anyone who wants to manage their weight – whether that is losing weight or helping stop the pounds from creeping on.

Today’s modern food environment can make weight gain easier and weight loss harder, however, there are lots of positive things you can do to combat this.

Packed full of practical tips and advice to help you manage your weight – this guide gives you lots of positive lifestyle changes you can make – easily and healthily.

We help you stay on top of your weight goals by providing the advice and tips you need. It looks at practical ways of building more activity into your everyday life, what and how much to eat and drink, and how to make your healthy habits stick.

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More information for you

Being overweight can increase the risk of as many as 12 different cancers.

> Our Preventing cancer section has more info on many cancer types

Handy tools for you to check your health

> Check your BMI
> What’s your risk of cancer?
> Find out your alcohol calorie intake