
Make a donation

Our cancer prevention work would not be possible without you. Your donation makes all the difference.

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Other ways to donate

Give in a will

We provide free guidance on how to ensure your legacy is left to the people and causes you care about

Leave a legacy

Donate via your salary

Find out if your company operates payroll giving – so you can donate tax-free from your salary

Tax-free giving

Play our lottery

Choose your numbers and see if you end up on a winning streak with our lottery game

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Donate your celebration

Celebrate good times in a meaningful way by asking for a donation to WCRF

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Give as you shop

Give as you shop with AmazonSmile, Give as you Live and Rounds-Ups

Spend and donate

Donate in memory

Making a donation in memory of someone can be a comforting way to remember them

Give in memory

Donate your shares

Donating shares is simple and one of the most tax-effective ways of supporting World Cancer Research Fund

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