Share your story

A young woman in a cafe talking with friends
Everyone has a story to tell. We’d love to hear yours, whether it’s about healthy changes you’ve made, your own cancer story, or what prompted you to start supporting World Cancer Research Fund.

Your story can inspire others to fundraise for our vital research and to explore ways to look after their health. Your story could help up to prevent cancer  and save lives.

If you’d like to share your story with World Cancer Research Fund for use on our website and publications, as part of a fundraising campaign, on social media, or even as a potential media story, please complete the simple form below.

We may not be able to use your story straightaway, but our team will be in touch as soon as possible to explain how we keep your personal information safe. We’ll also agree with you how we let you know where and when we use your story.

By sharing your story you’re doing something amazing. You are helping to prevent cancer, improve survival rates and support those living with cancer, so we’re really grateful for your support in this unique way. Thank you.

Share your story

We'd love to hear your story and use it to inspire and support others

eg, she / he / they
Whatever your motivation for supporting World Cancer Research Fund, we'd love to hear from you.
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