We’re on a mission to celebrate veg this Christmas! Whether you’re bowled over by brassicas, in love with leeks or can’t get enough of carrots, vote now in our poll to help us find the nation’s favourite Christmas vegetable.
What's your favourite Christmas vegetable?
The serious bit
Vegetables are for life, not just for Christmas. Why? Because they’re really good for you and as a nation we’re not eating enough of them.
World Cancer Research Fund are a cancer charity and our evidence shows that eating food containing fibre – which includes most vegetables – reduces your risk of bowel cancer.
Vegetables contain a wonderful range of curious sounding elements with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: carotenoids, selenium, dithiolthiones, glucosinolates and indoles, isothiocyanates, flavonoids, phenols, protease inhibitors, plant sterols, allium compounds and limonene, as well as good old vitamins C and E.
It’s likely that a combination of these nutrients is responsible for how a high intake of fruit, vegetables and fibre can lower your risk of certain cancers.
So when you’re planning a Christmas dinner, party or new year celebration, why not start with the veg?
My favourite is missing!
We compiled our list from data of the best-selling vegetables in the UK. If your favourite isn’t on the list, connect with us on social and let us know what we missed out!
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