The Cancer Care Map: sharing resources for people with cancer

Map graphic of cancer care services

The Cancer Care Map, run by The Richard Dimbleby Cancer Fund, is a simple online directory that helps people find cancer support services in their local area.

How does it work?

People living with cancer, their friends and family, and healthcare professionals can search for any cancer-related service, free of charge. Organisations and health professionals can also list their services on the map.

Why is it needed?

There are hundreds of services supporting people with cancer around the UK, but it can be hard to find out about them. The aim is to make sure that no one goes unsupported because they are not aware of a service in their local area.

What services are included?

Map graphic of cancer care services

  • Practical help such as driving, employment and pet care.
  • Psychological and emotional support through counselling and support groups.
  • Health and wellbeing support, such as complementary therapies, exercise programmes and nutrition advice.
  • Medical services.

See what services are available in your area:

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