Write your will for free

You don’t have to include a gift to World Cancer Research Fund to use any of our partner organisations free Will writing services, but we do hope you’ll consider it, after providing for those you love. You can help give future generations the power to prevent cancer.

You can choose one of the options below:

  • Start your will online straight away, with legal advice available if you need it.
  • Write your will using a solicitor local to you.
  • Our partner organisations will be acting in your best interests and on your instructions alone. They will provide you with independent legal advice and you should, of course, also consider writing a Will through your own preferred provider.

Make your will online for free

We have partnered with Bequeathed so that you can start your online will immediately, from the comfort of your own home. You’ll receive all the support and guidance you need to complete your free online will. They offer a free 30-minute appointment with a legal firm to help you make your will.

To use this service visit Bequeathed and follow the three-step process to complete your will:

  1. Complete a short online interview: The questions Bequeathed ask help you gather all the information required to make your will quickly. It takes around 20 minutes and their team is online to help.
  2. Get advice from an accredited firm: When you’ve completed the interview, Bequeathed arranges a free 30-minute appointment with a legal firm. You can choose to do this by phone or video call, at home or in their office. For most people, this is all they’ll need.
  3. Sign and witness your will: After your appointment, the legal firm sends you your free Will For Good. You simply sign it in front of witnesses and return to the firm for free secure storage.
  • We pay Bequeathed a fixed annual fee to offer this service to our supporters.
  • Anyone over 18 can use this straightforward and convenient service.

(If you are based in Northern Ireland or Scotland, we will refer you to the National Free Wills Network to write your will.)

Visit Bequeathed now to start your will.

Write your will using a local solicitor

If you want to visit a solicitor local to you to write your will:

  • They will send you names and addresses of at least two solicitors, local to you and you choose which you’d like to visit
  • We pay the National Free Wills Network a special rate for the solicitor you choose from these two to write a simple will, so that there is no cost to you
  • If your will is complicated you may need to pay an additional cost

Please complete your details below:

If you need extra help with writing your will

Our free will writing pack is designed to help you with making or updating your will. It provides a step by step guide as well as a will writing planner, to help you save time and money when you visit your solicitor.

> Download a PDF of our will writing guide


Michael ClarkI’m Michael, Head of Legacy Development, and if you’d like to talk to me about leaving a gift in your will, please get in touch. I’m happy to answer any questions, in strictest confidence.

For more information please contact me:

t: 020 7343 4200

e: legacies@wcrf.org