On this page you’ll find a year-by-year overview of our work to prevent cancer and save lives through research, sharing knowledge and practical support, plus insights into the strategy that drives our impact.
Find out what we achieved with the help of our supporters in 2021-22
> View our Impact infographic for 2021-22
> Jump to World Cancer Research Fund’s previous annual reviews
How will the world change because of our work? We’ve built a new strategy that will drive our impact and is based on the outputs and outcomes of our Theory of Change model (PDF).
World Cancer Research Fund delivers its impact in the following seven ways:
We are an active and engaged member of the World Cancer Research Fund International network, ensuring our mutual continued success and growth.
We are the UK voice on nutrition and lifestyle research, and recommendations for cancer prevention and survival.
We help people realise that it is never too early or too late to make simple everyday lifestyle changes, so that fewer people get preventable cancers.
We model best practice in governance and leadership, supported by staff empowerment.
We fund and champion the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, and other emerging areas.
We provide widely used information, guides, tools and programmes for the general public, health professionals, supporters, cancer survivors, schools and families alike.
We will direct our energies to ensure our supporters and stakeholders are engaged in a dynamic two-way relationship.
> Download our Theory of Change Vision & Impact (PDF)
Our 2020–21 Impact Report tells you more about our work and provides a summary of our financial information.